Monday, January 21, 2013

Blog Response Skyrockets - Local Twitter Trend/TFM Article

Oh, what a week it's been. In just six days, our little blog has taken on a life of its own. Spin offs by other universities, generating countless articles ranging from LSU Reveille to Total Frat Move themselves. The site is (As of 1/21/13 @9:30 PM) 140,000 views and rapidly rising.

What an accomplishment to be reviewed by a social media big-whig such as Total Frat Move. (Click here to read TFM's article) Sure, they've referred to our site as "Creepy and Lame", but that hasn't kept anyone from paying the site a visit. The photos above feature screenshots of the TFM website, with LSU Greeks that Matter headlining as the "Top Story" of January 21st, 2013. Overview page statistics report that our audience today reached viewers in 12 new countries as well as every state in this great nation. Fan or not, this is certainly noteworthy.

But what now? We continue to post Greeks, of course! Having covered each of the upper-middle and top tier sororities (as well as one middle tier), we will survey the remaining sorority pledge classes as well as more fraternities. The best is yet to come..

It should also be noted that my post in response to Total Frat Move's coverage of the heinous ΣΑΕ controversy (click here to view) was met by the eyes of TFM themselves. My post addressed the misinformation by TFM,

......ΣΑΕ did not (as far as we know) sexually abuse the pledges themselves. The hazing that actually took place is far more reprehensible having led an impressionable mind, under an unimaginably large level of pressure, to act immorally. There should really be a TFM retraction made, but the odds of that happening are slim to none. 
Regardless the details of this heinous crime, there is one thing that we and TFM can agree upon: HAZING OF ANY SORT MUST COME TO AN END. 

We clearly underestimated the site's trajectory, because TFM reported today,

The site (LSUGTM) also made a point of addressing an article I originally wrote last week that was at first, admittedly, under-informed.
There should really be a TFM retraction made, but the odds of that happening are slim to none.
That retraction, or rewriting, was put together literally as soon as it could have been considering the amount of information that had to be relayed and confirmed.

Read more at 

We will now be accepting Thank Yous from the LSU community (specifically those within the ΣΑΕ fraternity) for our extensive damage control. Bad press is not an anonymous blogger highlighting who she believes to be the attractive individuals within a community. Bad press is the entire country reading that an LSU fraternity was homoerotic enough to sexually abuse/haze pledge(s). The retraction has been made.

Although primarily criticizing the concept of/generally mocking our efforts with this site, TFM did "applaud" us for our success and strict comment moderation.

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