Wednesday, July 17, 2013

½ a Million Site Views

LSU Greeks That Matter has reached a milestone! When the password to this blog came into my possession, the site was sitting at a modest 425,000 page views. Bravo, Olivia, Bravo! Since then, in a matter of days, we’ve generated 75,000 page views for the blog.

Fun facts: Blogger (the google blogging service also known as “blogspot”) accounts rarely yield more than 25,000 page views. Those above 100,000 are in the top 8% of all blogspot accounts. Those above 250,000 are in the top 5% of all blogspot accounts. Those above 500,000 are within the top 1% of all blogspot accounts.

With sorority evaluations completed and the LSUGTM account thriving, rendering 59-72 questions per day, this solicits the question: what now? We’re accepting submissions via email Simply send the name accompanied by pictures of any Greek, of any age, from any chapter that you deem worthy of the site. The photos will be compiled into collages and posted shortly thereafter. We’ve already received these emails by the dozen.

Leave in the comments below what you want to see next on the blog! 

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